Come winter and it is just the time to light up your fireplace. Nothing beats the magical feeling of being cocooned in front of the fire place and to let the warmth from the logs seep in through your skin. And, it’s sheer bliss if the warmth is generated by natural logs that also make the air around it wonderful with a pleasant smell and feel. Have you ever burned olive logs?
History of Olive Logs
Instead of burning any logs that are available, olive logs provide that wonderful feeling when used in a fireplace. As it is clear from the word, olive logs are briquette charcoal free logs that is typically made from olive husk from the fruit of the olive tree. It is almost like we are falling back on age old tradition. Decades back parts of the olive tree were used by Greek civilization greatly. It was said to be therapeutic and pleasant. Probably the other reason being that olive trees were grown in abundance. It certainly was put to the best use possible at that time.
How are they made?
First, they need to be treated before they can be used in the fireplaces. The olives are pressed to extract the olive oil from them. They are made to go through a heavy duty press so that the olive husk comes out completely dry. The skin, pulp and pit fragments are then treated to make the briquette charcoal logs that are used in the fireplace. Needless to say, it is a biomass that is completely organic.
The good thing about olive logs is that they do not endanger the environment in general. At home they also keep the environment from being polluted even though one may resort to using the fireplace almost every day of the cold winter months.
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